Category Archives: United States

My Commute

We stayed in an apartment looking over the river in Siem Reap when we were in Cambodia.   A road tracked along both sides of the river.  Most mornings I sat on our deck overlooking the river and the road. … Continue reading

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Traveling Companions

We met the Dixons half-way through our trip.  We had dinner together at a local restaurant in Chang Mai, Thailand.  We pushed several formica tables together and gathered enough plastic chairs to seat us all.  We ate traditional Chiang Mai … Continue reading

Posted in Argentina, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Thoughts on Travel, United States | 3 Comments

Shoes – Addendum

The last day of summer for Cat was a sad day.   She started crying.  So we went out and got our nails done.  She got a “mani-pedi”.  She had one hand painted yellow, the other blue; she had the … Continue reading

Posted in United States | 4 Comments