Monthly Archives: June 2012

Museo de las Momias

In our travels this year we’ve been to three museums with mummies.  In Istanbul, there is a classic Egyptian mummy, King Tabnit, on display.  He’s displayed next to Alexander the Great’s sarcophagus.  In Arequipa, Peru, we saw a frozen mummy … Continue reading

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Another Medical Miracle

Our friend Rita came to visit us while we were in Cuzco.  She’s our neighbor and one my favorite people in the world.  When back in Oakland we spend a lot of time with her, watching musicals on a rainy … Continue reading

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Over 4000 meters

We rode the bus a lot in Peru.  From Cuzco to Puno.  From Puno to Arequipa.  From Arequipa through Chivay to the Cañon de Colca and back again.  All of these bus rides took us over high mountain ranges through … Continue reading

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Cañon de Colca

The Colca Canyon of Peru is a really deep canyon.  It’s said to be more than twice the depth of the Grand Canyon.  It’s only 150 meters less deep than the deepest canyon in the world, also in Peru.  It … Continue reading

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